OMUSTA Contest

Ninja used to work on agriculture when they were not under the operations.


Iga city in Mie prefecture in Japan, which has declared NINJA CITY to all over the world, is famous for rice as it has the brand called Iga rice.


Therefore, we came up with the unique event where the participants eat rice ball, which Ninja may also have eaten when they were on the mission, with smiling along with the various themes in order to compete over how they can eat it deliciously rice ball against Ninja city’s farmland with the thought of Ninja who actually lived here in the old days and notice the importance of agriculture inherited from them.


The idea basically comes from the word, OMUSUBI, meaning rice ball in Japanese, since the word “MUSUBI(結び)” implies “EN(縁)” meaning “fate” in Japanese, so there should be good fate between all participants and Ninja city.


There will be a great opportunity that a lot of people from all over the world know our Ninja city and create the chance for them to visit us by uploading the picture of the competition.


We, shichiten battou, is trying to make this culture here, Ninja city.

OMUSUBI, connecting Ninja city and the participants.

Rice planting in spring and rice harvesting in autumn.

Catch the moment of when the participants fill their mouth with rice ball deliciously with Ninja costume, against the farmland showing how Ninja was living old time.

The title of the contest is…



The second contest will be held on September 15th, 2019, here in Kawagita/Hirose area in Ninja city prior to 「Ninja OMUSTA World Cup」 in 2020


Also, OMUSTA Global Contest will be held for the participants outside from Japan until the second contest.
>>The detail is here


The photographing condition is very simple. The view of rice harvesting is caught somewhere in the picture (Riding on the combine harvester is allowed)

The winners will be given the new rice we will harvest this year as the prize.


You will love it if you like rice.

If you win, you will be officially certified as “Omufluencer” by OMUSTA executive committee, and will be able to entry 「Ninja OMUSTA World Cup」in 2020.

So, why don’t you be “Omufluencer”?

Ask for the detail(Click here)


The overview of the contest

①:Visit Ninja city(Iga city)

②:Take photos showing how much the participants eat rice ball deliciously and upload on Instagram account in order to compete. In spring, the moment of rice planting should be caught in the picture, In Autumn, the moment of rice harvesting should be caught in the picture.

>>The detail of the 1st OMUSTA contest is here

The mayor of Ninja city has joined OMUSTA contest!?

We have visited our mayor in order to report him on the first OMUSTA contest.

We asked him to hold OMUSTA contest in front of him and asked him to eat rice ball.

This is the unexpected offer for him, but he kindly accepted the offer.

Mayor, we really appreciate it.





The Second OMUSTA Contest

Name The origin of OMUSUBI is rice planting
The second OMUSTA contest, Autumn section, in Ninja city
Sponsored OMUSTA contest executive committee
Time September 15th, 2019
Location The rice field in Hiose area in Ninja (Iga) city.
Please contact us for the detail
Parking Available.
Please contact us for the detail
Notice The contest will be held the following day in case of rain


How to check the location of the contest by Google Map

Please kindly put Japanese 「伊賀市 イタニアルミ」by copy and paste to Google Map. The place will be displayed as the screenshot above indicates by red.

We have parking area, so please come to the contest by car or motorcycle.

If you use public transportation such as bus or train, please feel free to ask us how to get the contest location.

The location may be changed. If so, this will be notified in advance.


The Rule of OMUSTA Contest

Entry Sections

1: Ninja Section:Please wear Ninja costume and eat rice ball deliciously

2: Smile Section:Please smile and eat rice ball deliciously

3: Pickled Plums Section:Please sour make face with pickled plums and eat rice ball deliciously





The Prize of OMUSTA Contest

The winner of each section will be gifted new rice harvested from the rice field where the contest will be held.

  • 1st Place: 15kg
  • 2nd Place: 10kg
  • 3rd Place: 5kg

・Each winner will be selected by the vote from OMUSTA contest executive committee

・Each winner will be certified as “Omufluencer” (OUSUBI + Influencer) and the certificate will be given.

・The top winner will be selected from 1st and 2nd OMUSTA contest(Spring and Autumn). The certificate will be given from the mayor of Ninja city .Also, 30kg rice made in Iga will be gifted as the secondary prize.

・The number of LIKE from Instagram will be considered for the selection of the top winner.


Judging Committee of OMUSTA Contest


The Overview of the Winner of OMUSTA Contest

  • Top winner ( 1 person from Spring and Autumn contest)
  • Winner(1st, 2nd and 3rd) from each section


Entry Conditions of OMUSTA contest

  • Great passion for OMUSUBI
  • Ok for the picture to be on public on Instagram
  • Make OMUSUBI by yourself
  • Eat all OMUSUBI you make at the contest (Takeaway is not allowed)
  • Have smartphone to take photo
  • Have Instagram account



①:You must take photos at the contest location


②:Please make sure that ONLY you are in the photos, NOT with anyone else.


③:Please add 3 hashtags 「#おむスタ」「#おむスタコンテスト」「#おむスタグラム」when you post Instagram.



④:Don’t be shy when you eat rice ball.


Schedule for OMUSTA Contest

OMUSUTA contest is officially supported by Ninja city

The second contest will be held on September 15th, 2019.

The contest will be held with new rice during the rice harvest season.

「Ninja OMUSTA World Cup」in 2020 is currently under planning.

Ask for the detail(Click here)